报告题目:Regulation of Natural Killer Cell Activation by SLAM-SAP Families
Introduction: NK cells play an essential role in immune-surveillance towards hematopoietic cells. This effect is mainly due to the distribution of ligands for SLAM family receptors, which are solely found on hematopoietic cells. NK cells express multiple SLAM family receptors, and they regulate NK cell activation through coupling SAP family adaptors, including SAP, EAT2 and ERT. The adaptor SAP, mutated in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease, has critical roles in multiple immune cell types. Amongst these, SAP is essential for the ability of natural killer (NK) cells to eliminate abnormal hematopoietic cells. SAP connects signaling stemmed from SLAM family mainly through its association with Fyn kinase, and SAP R78A mutation prevents efficiently recruitment of SAP with Fyn. However, how this protein regulates NK cell activation at molecular level remains unknown.I will summary our recent contributions to the field, and explain how SLAM-SAP families regulate NK cell activation andtheir surveillance againsthematopoietic cells.
Related publications:
1. Dong Z*, Davidson D, Pérez-Quintero L.A, Kurosaki T, Swat W, and Veillette A*.SAP controls NK cell activation via a mechanism regulating Vav-1, SHIP-1 andLFA-1-dependent conjugate formation with target cells. Immunity,accepted.
2. Dong Z, Veillette A*. How do SAP family deficiencies compromise immunity?Trends in Immunology. 2010;31:295-302.
3. Dong Z, Cruz-Munoz ME, Zhong MC, Chen R, Latour S, Veillette A*. Essentialfunction for SAP family adaptors in the surveillance of hematopoietic cells by natural killer cells. Nature Immunology. 2009;10:973-80. |