The 10
th Sino-US Chemistry Professors Conference, hosted by Shandong University, and co-sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and CAPA, was held from June 15 to 17, 2014, in Jinan, China. More than 200 people attended the conference, among them about 50 from abroad.
The Vice President of Shandong University, Professsor Zijiang Chen delivered the opening remarks in the opening ceremony and the editor-in-chief of
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Professor Gunda I. Georg also was present and gave an excellent talk on her research.
The theme of the conference is “Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery: Frontiers and Challenges”, and the topics include Organic Chemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Chemical Analysis and Physics,
etc. There are several invited lectures, oral and poster presentation, and special forum in the conference. The conference is a major event launched by the Chinese-American Professors Association (CAPA) and an annual forum for chemistry professors from China, USA, and other countries to present their most recent research result, exchange scientific ideas, and promote friendship and cooperative research.